Upgrade !!
Changelog JW Player Plugin Advanced 1.1.0 :
^ Upgrade swf skin : bekle, bluemetal, grungetape, icecreamsneaka, kleur, modieus, nacht, playcasso, schoon, snel and stijl.
^ Change xml file (folderlist) listing by zip xml file listing (filelist).
^ Set css jwbox field empty, this to prevent 403 error in some server.
^ strip tag function before rendering player setting between trigger.
+ Add title youtube playlist support for multiple playlist, using curl library.
+ Add 2 new swf skin : five, classic.
+ Add xml zip support.
+ Add 15 new xml skin : bluemetal, icecreamsneaka, five, kleur, modieus, classic, playcasso, snel, bekle, grungetape, lulu, nacht, schoon, polishedmetal and stormtrooper.
+ Add The Adtonomy Text Ads Plugin.
+ Add The Adtonomy Video Ads Plugin.
# Fix ftp folderlist and filelist issue.
# Ignore index from skin swf and xml list.
# Set default as true fo viral.onpause and viral.oncomplete
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