buzzpei wrote: I noticed that the current video in the playlist rises up to just below the video. This works fine for me, but if the video is near the bottom of the playlist it can't move up anymore. Is there a way to change the background of the title/description in the playlist for the current video?
It's possible, to highlight the current item inside the playlist you have to set the lightcolor :
backcolor ( ffffff ) Flash only
background color of the controlbar and playlist. This is white by default.
frontcolor ( 000000 ) Flash only
color of all icons and texts in the controlbar and playlist. Is black by default.
lightcolor ( 000000 ) Flash only
Color of an icon or text when you rollover it with the mouse. Is black by default.
screencolor ( 000000 ) Flash only
Background color of the display. Is black by default.
note that to work all flashvars color have to be set even if it is the default value.