JW Player Plugin Advanced

8 years 4 months ago #7728 by admin
Replied by admin on topic JW Player Plugin Advanced
Upgrade !!

Changelog JW Player Plugin Advanced 3.2.1 :

^ Upgrade to JW Player 7.2.4
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8 years 1 month ago #7784 by admin
Replied by admin on topic JW Player Plugin Advanced
Upgrade !!

Changelog JW Player Plugin Advanced 3.3.0 :

+ JW 7 : VPAID Mode, a set of constants for enabling VPAID functionality.

+ JW 7 : PlayReady DRM Support

PlayReady DRM now supported on IE11/Edge browsers for Win 8.1+
Clearkey DRM now functions with DASH

+ JW 7 : Misc.

Player supports playlists in JSON file format
Ads rendered with Google IMA SDK now use JW Player control bar UI

+ JW 7 : HTML5 HLS Safari Improvements

ID3 timed metadata can now be accessed with the on('meta') listener
HLS DVR streams can now be viewed and controlled on JW Player controlbar
HLS embedded captions can now be controlled with JW Player control bar
Native HTML5 caption tracks are now used for iOS devices, allowing for fullscreen subtitles.
Multiple audio tracks can now be accessed in Safari.

^ Upgrade to JW Player 7.3.2.

^ JW 7 : Changes/Improvements:

Visual Quality API will now function on iOS
Flash loading errors will now provide more accurate information
Custom logo is now a CSS-styled div element
Logo position options from JW6 have been restored (bottom-left, bottom-right, top-left, top-right)
Margins can also be specified
When highlighted, the player’s border color is now handled by browser styling
DASH streams will now use representation width pixel value as default label method
Small player UI now includes playlist navigation
Player now changes live stream quality if an empty HLS chunk list is detected
Related overlay shows longer titles + larger sized thumbnails
Player will no longer encode urls and expects to be given a properly formatted URL for external assets.
In live HLS streams, if JW Player detects an empty chunklist of a certain quality, it will automatically attempt to switch qualities.
Non-linear fullslot ad creatives in IMA HTML5 and Flash can now be scheduled at any time during video playback.
New API event and getter for detecting if there is an ad blocker on the page.
JW Player will pass videoSlotCanAutoPlay in initAd for VPAID 2.0 creatives.

# fix color captions default value.
# fix skin issues with JW6.

- Remove some old deprecated comment lines.
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7 years 10 months ago #7804 by admin
Replied by admin on topic JW Player Plugin Advanced
Upgrade !!

Changelog JW Player Plugin Advanced 3.4.0 :

^ Upgrade to JW Player 7.4.3 :
HLS in HTML5 support in JW Player is currently only for Chrome 34 and above.
We recommend updating to the latest version of Chrome to get the most out of HLS.
Specifically support for High Efficiency Advanced Audio Codec (HE-AAC) was only introduced in Chrome 50.

+ JW 7 : Features
Adaptive bitrate switching for Live, DVR and VOD streams
Extensive support for streams with discontinuities
608 embedded captions
Playback AES encrypted streams over HTTP and HTTPS
AES tokens
ID3 timed metadata
Fast, frame accurate seeking
Audio only streams with MP3 or AAC
MPEG 2 Layer 3 and MPEG 1 Layer 3 for MP3 is supported
HE-AAC in Chrome 50+
H.264 main and baseline profiles
High profile is dependent on hardware

+ JW 7 : Verified Encoders and CDNs
Amazon Web Services
Unified Streaming

+ Add hlshtml configuration option to control use of HLS HTML5.
+ Add files provider.caterpillar.js, jw-icons.woff, jw-icons.ttf

^ JW 7 : Changes

In addition to adding HLS in HTML5, 7.4 has the following updates:
Google IMA ad tags will automatically get duration and video title added to the request url for more enhanced ad targeting.
WebVTT captions are rendered using the native <track> element in Chrome.
Note: Caption styling from player setup is not yet supported with HTML5 video in Chrome. This will be released with JW 7.5.
DASH streams will now play in FireFox 45 and up. Still no reliable Safari support.
Shaka Provider has been updated to version 1.6.5

^ Upgrade to jquery 1.12.4.

- Remove some old deprecated comment lines.
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7 years 8 months ago #7845 by admin
Replied by admin on topic JW Player Plugin Advanced
Upgrade !!

Changelog JW Player Plugin Advanced 3.5.0 :

^ Upgrade to JW Player 7.5.0 :

+ JW 7 : DRM and Streaming Improvements

withCredentials can now be added to HLS HTML5 manifest requests by including “withCredentials”: true to a playlist item
Added support for redundant HLS streams in HLS HTML5
Preload options now supported in HLS HTML5
Widevine DRM now functional in Firefox 47+
Fairplay DRM now functional in Safari Desktop
Various fixes/improvements to Playready DRM
Increased speed of Dash quality upswitching

+ JW 7 : Advertising Improvements

Support for ad tag macros with VMAP ad schedule URLs
Different VMAPs can be used on individual playlist items
CreativeView tracking pixels now returned with adCompanions API event
Ad Impression will now return the mediafile type as creative type
Information about ad wrappers will now be exposed with adImpression event

+ JW 7 : Captions Refactor + Accessibility Improvements

VTT positions now supported in Flash and HTML5
Required caption polyfills will be loaded on-the-fly when required (Based on browser support)
“C” keyboard shortcut will now toggle captions display
Change caption appearance/style on the fly with new setCaptions() API
Support for embedded 708 Captions (In HLS HTML5)
Support for VTT positions
Improved screen reader support with Aria implementation (Credit to francoismassart)

+ JW 7 : Changes

Providers will now be loaded separately only when required
New default "Seven" Skin
CC button will show active color whenever captions are not off
Skinning model improvements/cleanup
Adaptive streaming qualities now ordered in API and menus based on bandwidth
A single ad error will no longer error out an entire ad pod

+ Compatible with Joomla 3.6, metatag for FB sharing, antislash in folderlist.

- Remove some old deprecated comment lines.
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7 years 7 months ago #7925 by admin
Replied by admin on topic JW Player Plugin Advanced
Upgrade !!

Changelog JW Player Plugin Advanced 3.6.0 :

^ Upgrade to JW Player 7.6.1 :

JW Player 7.6 has a mobile optimized design for displaying recommended content during and after a video ends.
This new overlay is called “Next Up” and retains all of the functionality the related overlay.
Next Up pairs seamlessly with feeds from JW Platform to allow your viewers to continue watching and discovering great content.

+ Added support for embedded 608 captions in HLS streams for Microsoft Edge.

^ Updated design for showing recommended and related content.
^ Updated style for video titles wrapping in related video overlay.
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7 years 5 months ago #7998 by admin
Replied by admin on topic JW Player Plugin Advanced
Upgrade !!

Changelog JW Player Plugin Advanced 3.7.0 :

^ Upgrade to JW Player 7.7.4 :

JW Player 7.7 has a new interface for displaying playlist content and a new flow for transitioning into discovery mode to showcase recommended content.
The tile layout introduced in JW 7.6 will now also be used to display curated playlist content, replacing the visual playlist in the controlbar.
After the last playlist item, if there are JW Platform powered recommendations, the UI will transition seamlessly into discovery mode which continuously recommends new videos to help viewers discover new content.

This release also enhances the controlbar UI with a new default rewind 10 second element, a new “Next Up” button which shows a tooltip for the next video to be played when hovered over,
and the option for the Next Up element to display before the next video begins.

+ JW 7 : New in Streaming and DRM

H.264 video and aac audio encoded HLS streams are now supported in HTML5 in Firefox
Updated to a new DASH library that will start faster as well upswitch qualities quicker
Multi-period streams are now supported
Support for custom functions when requesting key and certificates for Apple FairPlay Streaming
Added the ability to set custom HTTP headers for Widevine and PlayReady key requests

+ JW 7 : New Playlist Overlay and Next Up Changes

Added the ability to flip through pages of feeds in both curated playlist and discovery mode within the Next Up video overlay
New configuration options to set localization text for Next Up and Playlist overlay title
New Next Up tooltip will show the playlist item or the next recommended item
Updated the icon used for related dock items to be consistent with playlists
Added a nextupoffset that can be used to trigger a moment in the video to display the Next Up item. The default value is 10 seconds before the item ends.

+ JW 7 : New in Advertising
No longer using IMA 3 Flash SDK, all IMA ads will render using the HTML5 IMA SDK

^ JW 7 : Changes

Improved compatibility with RequireJS
When the player errors, a viewer can now access the playlist overlay and navigate to new content
Ability to set the minimum configurable length for when DVR controls are enabled
Removed previous button from controlbar
Created a new 30 second seek back icon and controlbar element
Right-click menu will automatically close after 3 seconds
MP3 audio is no longer supported in HLS HTML5:
TS files that include video and mp3 audio will have audio removed
Segmented MP3 files and TS files that use the mp3 audio codec will not play

- Remove polyfills.vttcue.js file
- As of JW7, integrated Site Catalyst support has been removed. Events can still be tracked using the JW Player API and Site Catalyst's event tracking pings. Further information can be found on Adobe's site
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